Kindland Super Bowl Experience
“I have been there so many times before and NOW I will be there for YOU and your family.”
- Tim Misny - The man that “Makes Them Pay!®”
“Please understand that the slogan, I’ll Make Them Pay!® is not a guarantee of payment. Both liability and real damages must be proven with preponderance of the evidence.” – Tim Misny
Kindland Super Bowl Experience
My friend Hanford Dixon and I surprised Brandon Chrostowski, with 2 tickets, including all travel accommodations to this weekend’s Super Bowl LVII in Arizona.
Kindland, a Cleveland-based national organization promoting acts of kindness, in conjunction with the NFL, are acknowledging and rewarding people for their incredible gestures of giving with a deluxe Super Bowl experience. Brandon is the owner, operator of Edwin’s Leadership and Restaurant Industries on Shaker Square. Over the many years Brandon has given life-changing opportunities to people who were recently released from prison. Brandon not only trains folks but he helps them find life-long career opportunities in the culinary industry. Brandons philanthropic efforts are not limited to Northeast Ohio. He recently returned from Ukraine where he lead an effort to cook for families whose lives have been turned upside down by Russia’s attack.
Hanford Dixon, a former Cleveland Brown All Pro, secured the tickets from the NFL, and Kindland is providing the hotel accommodations, while I covered the airfare. I am tickled to have been asked to participate in Kindland. It’s absolutely a pleasure to recognize the tireless efforts of kind and giving people like Brandon. If you desire to jump on the Kindland bandwagon click on the link.
#Kindland was proud to help the NFL Foundation award The Vaccine Queens Stacey Bene and Marla Zwinggi and Brandon Chrostowski of Edwins Leadership & Restaurant Institute with a surprise trip to the #SuperBowl this weekend! Their hard work and dedication to caring about the lives of others make them all deserving recipients! Go Team CLE in Tempe this weekend! Big thanks to Hanford Dixon and Tim Misny for being a part of our reveals!
The Law Offices of Tim Misny
3100 E. 45th St.
Suite 444
Cleveland OH 44127
Phone: 1-800-556-4769
Toll Free: 1-800-556-4769
Fax: 440-306-1600
Interstate Square I
4230 Chillicothe Rd. Ste 200
Willoughby, Ohio 44094
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