“American Delivery,” a documentary film premiered at the Cleveland International Film Festival, explores the alarming rise of maternal mortality rates in the United States. Despite America boasting some of the world’s most advanced healthcare systems, maternal mortality rates have seen a distressing upward trend. The documentary, directed by Carolyn Jones and produced by Lisa Frank, looks into this crisis, shedding light on the disparities in maternal healthcare access and outcomes, particularly among women of color.
Maternal mortality rates and American Delivery
The documentary brings attention to maternal mortality rates in the U.S. According to a 2023 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the country had a nearly 40 percent increase in maternal mortality rates in 2021 alone. There are 32.9 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births in the United States. Contrast this with the rates of some other high-income countries, where rates range between 2 and 3 deaths per 100,000.
The rise in maternal mortality rates prompts important questions about medical malpractice and accountability within the healthcare system. While the documentary focuses on raising awareness and highlighting successful interventions by healthcare professionals, it also indirectly confronts the issue of potential medical malpractice contributing to these outcomes. Negligence or substandard care during childbirth can result in devastating consequences, leading to maternal mortality or severe complications.
The film prominently features institutions like Case Western Reserve University’s Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing and MetroHealth. These organizations are known for their innovative approaches in tackling the maternal mortality crisis head-on.
The maternal mortality crisis and medical malpractice
Because the documentary showcases real-life nurse interventions and success stories, it shows the critical role that healthcare providers play in saving lives and advocating for better maternal healthcare practices.
Addressing medical malpractice ensures that victims receive the necessary support and assistance, while advocating for improved healthcare practices to prevent future incidents. If you or someone you know has experienced medical malpractice during pregnancy, childbirth or the postpartum period, there are several options you can pursue. First, document all details related to the incident, including medical records, test results and communication with healthcare providers.
Next, call the Law Offices of Tim Misny. We can investigate your claim and help pursue compensation for damages such as medical expenses, pain and suffering and lost wages.
Finally, you can file a complaint with the appropriate medical licensing board to report the incident and hold the negligent healthcare provider accountable.
Discuss your case with an Ohio medical malpractice lawyer
The Law Offices of Tim Misny can review your medical malpractice case. When you’re the victim of negligence or recklessness, I’ll Make Them Pay!® Call my office at (800) 556-4769 so that I can evaluate your case right away.